Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Shs And Its Industrial Application

Self-propagating high-temperature synthesis or SHS is a method for producing high-melting inorganic compounds by solid-state combustion. Metallurgical SHS is a variety of typical SHS. Discovery of metallurgical SHS made it possible to produce composite materials for steel alloying and refractory components. Positive sides of SHS are: minimum of electric energy, high speed of process, simple equipment. But this process wasn't used long in spite of its great advantages.

Industrial applying
Magnitogorsk scientific industrial company NTPF Etalon co., ltd has made a breakthrough in this field. At first, ferrosilicon nitride had been created by SHS-technology. In depend on nitrogen content, ferrosilicon nitride can be used either as an alloying material for nitrogen-containing steels (low content) or as a component for refractory production (high content).

At the next stage, technologies for ferrovanadium nitride and ferrochromium nitride production had been developed. Ferrovanadium nitride is used as alloying material for rail and HLSA steels. It can be either in melted or sintered form. Ferrochromium nitride is used as alloying material for nitrogen-containing steels. Production of chromium nitride for super-steel, of silicon nitride for refractory industry, of silicomanganese nitride for manganese steel, of ferrotitanium boride for boron-containing pipe steel, of ferroniobium boride for IF-steel, of ferromanganese sulfide for free-cutting steel had been mastered later.

So what is difference between SHS-materials and traditional "furnace" materials?
Nowadays, furnace technology is used for nitrided materials production and it dominates in the world. The technology include saturation of material with nitrogen in electric furnace at relatively non-high temperature (900-1500 oC). Negative sides are: high duration of process, high impurities content and low nitrogen content in finished product.

SHS-materials have low impurities content (oxygen, hydrogen) as well as have unique properties and structure, which can not be obtained by traditional furnace technology. For example, ferrosilicon nitride has composite structure with dominating beta-phase of silicon nitride (90 % β-Si3N4) because it is obtained with high temperature (2000 oC) and high pressure (10 MPa). That's why ferrosilicon nitride is better assimilated by steel and that's why refractories with ferrosilicon nitride have great operating ability. SHS-ferrovanadium nitride in a melted form has high density and high strengths, that gives better assimilating; sintered form has maximum nitrogen content. Also NTPF Etalon co., ltd. produce many other high-quality materials for metallurgy: silicocalcium nitride, silicomanganese nitride, ferrotitanium boride, ferroniobium boride, beta-silicon nitride, chromium nitride and others.

Obtained materials have tested and successfully used at many Russian plants: Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works (MMK), Novo-Lipetsk Iron and Steel Works (NLMK), Chelyabinsk Iron and Steel Works (ChMK) and many others. Also they are exported to France, Poland and other countries.

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